Widget-Fetal Monitor-Baby Cam

Saturday, October 30, 2010


So life is full of surprises, right?

It's a suprise that I am blogging after five months of nothing.

I had a great surprise to find that my 5-year old had unloaded to dishwasher just because she loves me.

Another surprise was to find my husband's aunt from Tennessee at my front door. (Which was very obvious as I had a dirty diaper in my hand and a part-naked baby toddling after me and I wasn't "dressed" for company in my husband's sweat shirt and my paint sweats. But once I got passed that and invited these classy ladies into my living room-full of case lot sale items---we had a wonderful visit!)

Our most notable surprise is that we are expecting another baby in May....
I told my children they could tell their friends after Halloween because we would be past the worrisome 12 week stage, so I decided I would tell my friends here.
A few months ago, Lucy and I were talking about Lincoln (my 15 month old baby), how cute he is, etc. Lucy started talking about Lincoln having a playmate and how fun it would be to have a younger sister or brother for him. I told Lucy that I didn't think that little Lincoln would be having a younger sister or brother and that I felt that six kids was enough for our family. She replied, "Mom, you aren't in charge of that, Heavenly Father is." I was kind smug, thinking that yes, I was in charge of that. I guess I was wrong.

We are excited for our sweet little friend to join us in May and yes, it will be good for Lincoln to have a playmate. (There is a four year difference between him and his older siblings.) Most surprises turn out to be good if we have the right perspective. I'll be happy when my perspective doesn't include vomiting and the toilet, but all in all, it is a great blessing.

I hope your day is full of great surprises as well....


  1. That is AMAZING! I love how you prefaced it with surprises. Good luck with this one! I hope you are feeling alright.

  2. Best of luck to you! Happy days for Lincoln ahead!

  3. How exciting!! I'm so happy for all of you. I hope you get over the morning sickness quickly. Lucky Lincoln!

    So glad you got to visit with my mom and Carla. Wish I had been there, too!

  4. PS loved your profile! Loved your testimony!
    How can you indicate to click on the button so people know? I wrote one for myself but it still hasn't come online yet. Did it take a while for yours to publish? It says pending review.

  5. Thanks for your well wishes! Adrianne, I wrote my profile on months ago and they sent me an email recommending some changes in my wording to make more reader friendly for those not of our faith (ie..ward=local congregation). It took me a few months to have a chance to make those changes, which I did last Sunday and it was up within a few days. I don't know how to indicate on my blog to have people click on that button. There were a few different options on the site, maybe others would be more inviting. I look forward to reading yours.

  6. Congrats! have fun with your surprise! Ü

  7. Congratulations!!! What a fun surprise. Good luck with the sickness, I've heard you get it pretty badly. May is a great month to have a baby. :)

  8. YAY! You are wonderful parents and I am excited to have another niece or nephew! I hope you feel better soon!

  9. Holy smokes, Becki! That is a huge surprise and great news for your family! Can you believe you're going to have seven?! My baby Sarah is crawling around and has totally passed the newborn stage. I'm really missing that brand new baby stage. There is nothing like it. Hooray for the Hammons!

  10. I'm sorry we barged in on you the other day. My mom said "I guess its the Virgie in me that makes me do this kind of thing" ;-/ She's so funny!

    I loved the story about Lucy and the new baby!

    Hope you get feeling better, & next time we'll call first!
